Individual Decisions Share on: Search Decisions 09.07.2024 ACER Decision No 09-2024 on the methodology for pricing balancing energy and cross-zonal capacity Annexes ACER Decision 09-2024 - Annex I ACER Decision 09-2024 - Annex Ia ACER Decision 09-2024 - Annex II ACER Decision 09-2024 - Annex IIa ACER Decision 09-2024 - Annex III - EoR Decisions 09.07.2024 ACER Decision No 08-2024 on the exchange of balancing energy from frequency restoration reserves with automatic activation Annexes ACER Decision 08-2024 - Annex I ACER Decision 08-2024 - Annex Ia ACER Decision 08-2024 - Annex II ACER Decision 08-2024 - Annex IIa ACER Decision 08-2024 - Annex III - EoR Decisions 14.05.2024 ACER Decision No 07-2024 on the amendment of the methodology for coordinating operational security analysis Annexes ACER Decision 07-2024 - Annex I ACER Decision 07-2024 - Annex Ia Decisions 08.05.2024 ACER Decision No 06-2024 on the European Resource Adequacy Assessment (ERAA) for 2023 Annexes ACER Decision 06-2024 on ERAA 2023 - Annex I.a - Executive report ACER Decision 06-2024 on ERAA 2023 - Annex I.b. - Input data and assumptions ACER Decision 06-2024 on ERAA 2023 - Annex I.c. - Methodology ACER Decision 06-2024 on ERAA 2023 - Annex I.d - Detailed results ACER Decision 06-2024 on ERAA 2023 - Annex I.e - Country comments ACER Decision 06-2024 on ERAA 2023 - Annex I.f - Definitions and glossary ACER Decision 06-2024 on ERAA 2023 - Annex II ACER Decision 06-2024 on ERAA 2023 - Annex II.a ACER Decision 06-2024 on ERAA 2023 - Annex III ACER Decision 06-2024 on ERAA 2023 - Annex IV Decisions 02.05.2024 ACER Decision No 05-2024 on the Dutch NRA's extension request to adopt coordinated decisions on cross-zonal risk hedging opportunities Decisions 21.03.2024 ACER Decision No 04-2024 on the amendment to the determination of capacity calculation regions (CCRs) Annexes ACER Decision 04-2024 on CCR amendment - Annex I ACER Decision 04-2024 on CCR amendment - Annex Ia ACER Decision 04-2024 on CCR amendment - Annex II Evaluation of Responses Decisions 15.03.2024 ACER Decision No 03-2024 on the second and third amendment of the intraday capacity calculation methodology of the Core capacity calculation region Annexes ACER Decision 03-2024 on Core ID CCM - Annex I - Rectified ACER Decision 03-2024 on Core ID CCM - Annex Ia - Rectified ACER Decision 03-2024 on Core ID CCM - Annex II ACER Decision 03-2024 on Core ID CCM - Annex IIa ACER Decision 03-2024 on Core ID CCM - Annex III - Rectified ACER Decision 03-2024 on Core ID CCM - Annex IIIa - Rectified ACER Decision 03-2024 on Core ID CCM - Annex IV Corrigendum to ACER Decision 03-2024 (04 April 2024) Decisions 12.03.2024 ACER Decision No 02-2024 on the amendment of the methodology for identifying regional electricity crisis scenarios Annexes ACER Decision 02-2024 on RPm amendment - Annex I ACER Decision 02-2024 on RPm amendment - Annex Ia Decisions 11.03.2024 ACER Decision No 01-2024 on the Hansa NRAs' extension request to agree on the proposal for the cross-zonal capacity calculation methodology for the balancing timeframe