Interconnection agreement
Interconnection agreement
What is it?

The Interconnection Agreement Template covers the default terms and conditions for the minimum mandatory content of an interconnection agreement, based on the Code's requirements. In case transmission system operators fail to agree on one or more contractual terms, this template can be annexed to the agreement indicating default rules for the disagreed term(s).
An Interconnection agreement is made between adjacent transmission system operators, whose systems are connected at a particular interconnection point. This agreement specifies terms and conditions, operating procedures and provisions with respect to delivery and/or withdrawal of gas at the interconnection point.
Interconnection agreement
Why is there an agreement specific template?
The template covers the mandatory terms for an Interconnection Agreement. It provides ready-made solutions to facilitate the signature of these agreements between transmission system operators if they cannot agree. The mandatory terms of an interconnection agreement cover:
rules for flow control
measurement principles for gas quantities and quality
rules for the matching process
rules for the allocation of gas quantities
communication procedures in case of exceptional events
settlement of disputes arising from interconnection agreements
amendment process for the interconnection agreement.
Interconnection agreement
What does ACER say?
Interconnection agreements are mostly signed with a high level of compliance. The Agency recommended that by the end of 2020 national regulatory authorities proactively assess these agreements to further increase compliance and report to the Agency.