ACER Market Monitoring Report (MMR)

Market Monitoring Report at a glance

The EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) monitor energy markets in the EU.

ACER’s market monitoring focuses on:

  • electricity wholesale;
  • gas wholesale;
  • energy retail and consumer protection.


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ACER Market Monitoring Report (MMR)


Recent publications

LNG ship

Upcoming publications

  • July: Key developments in gas wholesale markets
  • October: 
    • Progress of EU electricity wholesale market integration
    • Energy retail and consumer protection
    • Key developments in gas wholesale markets
    • Infrastructure monitoring
  • November: European hydrogen markets
  • January 2025: Key developments in gas wholesale markets

Past publications

Explore the history of our overviews.

Previous overviews

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